
Healthy and prosperous communities do not just happen. The quality and nature of a community are determined by the choices people make over a number of generations. Ideally, the choices a community makes are knowledgeable and deliberate. But that is not always the case. Environment Resources and Sustainable Development One of the first things we ...
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Food Safety

Achieving sustainable development economy means producing affordable and good quality food and drink in accordance with high environmental and animal welfare standards. In the UK the Food Standards Agency aims to safeguard the protection of public health in relation to food. The Agency, which has powers to take action across the whole food chain, is ...
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The United Nations claims that current patterns of consumption are unsustainable. Consumption places a strain on natural resources and can lead to increased waste production. Consumption can involve anything from packaged foods to transport, leisure and tourism, and as we increase our demand for these products and services, we are using up valuable resources. Developed ...
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Everyone has a right to live in a community that is safe. Crime reinforces social exclusion and decline. It makes people reluctant to walk or to take public transport. It imposes economic costs. In the UK there has been a long-term rise in crime, although some offences have declined in recent years. Much acquisitive crime, ...
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Tourism is the worlds largest industry, affecting the lives of millions of people. While it can bring benefits, these are seldom spread evenly. Sustainable recreation is an environmentally and socially responsible form of tourism which focuses on the intrinsic attractions of the natural and cultural environment and minimises the impacts on ecosystems and the human ...
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During the last quarter of a century there has been a significant increase in the proportion of journeys travelled by car and the distance that people travel. Associated with these rising figures has been an increase in the pressures due to transport placed upon the environment and society. These pressures have increased not just in ...
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Home design and maintenance can promote and model more sustainable lifestyles. We need housing which better meets people’s changing needs and which – in its construction and over its whole life – is more energy efficient, uses fewer resources and creates less waste. That requires action to address both new and existing housing. The potential ...
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Poverty is an international problem, but it requires specific programmes to tackle poverty in different countries. More than 1 billion people, or about one sixth of the worlds population, live under conditions of extreme poverty, and the eradication of poverty has long been on the international agenda. The task however, is not made easier by ...
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Poor health is very often linked to poverty – the world’s poorest people are often in the poorest state of health owing to disease, malnutrition or starvation. Commonly in developing countries public health suffers from a lack of sanitation from dirty drinking water, and from a lack of food. However, over-consumption and unhealthy lifestyles in ...
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Sustainable Development is as much about society as it is about the environment. Thriving regions, cities, towns, villages and neighbourhoods are fundamental to quality of life. We need to achieve a sense of social cohesion, cultural inclusion and people empowerment. Building sustainable communities is about improvements to the places where people live and work, and ...
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