Public transport offers alternative modes of transport to the private motor car. Public transport, including trains, trams and buses, can relieve traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport must be encouraged if a sustainable transport policy is to be developed. Railways are efficient forms of transport that use existing tracks, and therefore use ...
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Introduction Spaceship Earth Gaia Ecosystems Evolution Humans Agriculture Industrial Revolution Population Pollution Transport Energy Resources Tragedy of the Commons Environmental Perspectives Conservation & Preservation Environmental Movement Ecocentrism and Technocentrism Principles Introduction Definitions Objectives Interdependence Quality of Life Equity Citizenship Diversity Carrying Capacity Future Generations Uncertainty Precaution Polluter Pays Preferable Futures Environment Introduction Climate Change Air ...
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The UK Government has recently stated in its Sustainable Development consultation paper Opportunities for Change that “production and distribution patterns will have to change to reduce emissions, resource use and waste”. How far we have to improve resource use is, of course, a matter of debate, but there is a growing awareness that doing so ...
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Education is essential to establish an understanding of the importance of sustainable development. Education can give people an environmental and ethical awareness; it can develop the values and attitudes, the skills and behaviour needed for sustainable development. To achieve this, education needs to explain not only the physical and biological environment but also the socio-economic ...
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We can all do our bit for sustainable development. Using the car less for unnecessary journeys, walking, cycling, using public transport, being more energy conscious and recycling waste can all help make the environment a cleaner place. Being fit and healthy, through a good diet and adequate exercise, is also beneficial to our scociety and ...
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Public transport offers alternative modes of transport to the private motor car. Public transport, including trains, trams and buses, can relieve traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport must be encouraged if a sustainable transport policy is to be developed. Railways are efficient forms of transport that use ...
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You are what you eat. There is much truth in this proverb. Increasingly in today’s society poor diet is leading to elevated levels of obesity and poor health, with consequential increases in depression and stress, reduced performance at work, and elevated health care costs. None of this is advantageous to a sustainable society. Obesity is ...
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Over the past century, the car has become a part of everyday life, a symbol of freedom for many. Unfortunately, because of poor public transport and bad planning decisions, the car is all too often the only way of getting around. As a result, our towns and cities are becoming increasingly congested and polluted, whilst ...
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We often take the availability of water for granted. Water is a renewable resource, but its availability in a form readily usable for drinking and other domestic and industrial purposes is being placed under increasing stress as we use more and more. During periods of drought in particular, groundwater and reservoirs supplies can become significantly ...
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The individual has little influence on how his/her energy is produced, for example by coal or gas fired power stations, or alternatively by wind or solar power. However, the individual does have control on how he or she uses that available energy. Through the implementation of simple measures we can all effectively bring about a ...
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