
Sometime after the end of the last Ice Age, between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago, humans began to construct settlements and develop a livelihood that did not require a constant migration to new food areas. Where mankind had previously relied on making simple tools for hunting, it now became more advanced and started to domesticate ...
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The guiding principle of sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development recognises the interdependence of environmental, social and economic systems and promotes equality and justice through people empowerment and a sense of global citizenship. Whilst we cannot ...
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Industrialisation over the last 200 years has increased the quantities of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Fossil fuel burning, for example, has enhanced the natural greenhouse effect. In addition, changes in land use and deforestation have contributed to the greenhouse effect by reducing carbon sinks that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As a result, ...
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Wildlife and wildlife habitats are increasingly under threat from the environmental consequences of mnakind’s unsustainable activities. Global warming, acid rain and air pollution all pose serious threats to many faunal and floral species, in additions to the problems they face as a result of deforestation and other land-use changes for agriculture and urbanisation. It is ...
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Sustainable Development was first developed as a concept in 1987 with the publication of the Brundtland Report. But it was not until 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit that nations around the world came together to push for concerted action to try and reach an agreement on the best way to slow down, halt and ...
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To achieve stable and sustainable growth, we need a well-educated and adaptable labour-force. Learning also has a wider contribution to make – it promotes active citizenship and helps to combat social exclusion. It opens up opportunities for people and gives them the chance to make a full contribution to the community. In a world which ...
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